Supports expert advisors, built-in and customer-specific indicators
One-click trading
Streaming news
Complete technical analysis with over 50 indicators and chart tools
Supports large orders
Create various customer-specific indicators on different timelines
History database management and history data export / import
Guarantee full data backup and security
Internal mail sending system
Built-in help guide for MetaTrader 4 and Metaquotes Language 4
ASIAN GATE MT4 system requirements
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 or higher
Processor: Intel Celeron-based CPU over 1.7 GHz
RAM: 256 Mb or more RAM
Memory: 50 Mb of empty drive space
How to uninstall ASIAN GATE PC MT4
Step 1:Click Start → All Programs → ASIAN GATE MT4 → Uninstall
Step 2:Follow the on-screen instructions until the uninstall process is complete
Step 3:Click My Computer → Click the C drive or the root drive where the operating system is installed → Click Program Files → Find and delete the ASIAN GATE MT4 folder Masu